Welcome to my little corner of the web! This is the place where I put links, information and stuff that was becoming too unwieldy for the Youtube description box.

Grab the same kit I use

Much of the kit I use makes me better at what I do. Some of it was a steaming pile of crap that I probably should never have bought. So I curated a bunch of the best stuff and ignored all that stuff that never sees the light of day. Most of these will be affiliate links where your purchase helps support the channel.

Why a Patreon?

I’m not the most Social Media obsessed person you’ll meet. I consider most to be ‘ranting into the wind’, so my Patreon is updated only when I can give you guys things I consider to be of value to you. A value that is hopefully higher than the membership cost. Useful, cool, semi-free shit – let’s call it that.

Patreon Laser Shop

So Patreon now has a shop. I use it for my free members who don’t want to pay for full membership but who still might want to get their hands on any files I create. Right now, most of them are vector files for use in Lightburn allowing you to cut and build whatever terrain I design that looks really very cool!

“You can support me on Patreon, because I found little brown envelopes filled with cash kept going missing in the post.”

On Youtube, I try to provide hobby knowledge that isn’t common knowledge. I try to challenge the status quo and help you to experiment.

I like giving you insights into alternative hobby tools.

Sometimes you’ll need to right tool for the job. Often it exists, often it doesn’t. So I occasionally teach you how to make your own or introduce you to some you might not already know.

Or how to mix inks into a wide range of useful colours.

Who said you can’t mix inks with exact drops? I show you how to mix over 168 different hues using only 5 ink; Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black and white. Just like your 2d printer at home.

And I try to design Terrain Kits so you can build cool tables at home.

My Eden Prime Kit

The ‘Eden Prime’ terrain kit I designed is now available as a commercial product! So, if you didn’t have a laser cutter you can now collect this set from my good friends at Misfire.co.uk. Scorched Earth or Northern Lights. You can still grab the files to cut this yourself on my Patreon page.


Sci-fi and Fantasy Terrain in ONE Kit

If you do have access to a laser cutter then considering picking up the vector files to make a full modular Zone Mortalis, Castle or Dungeon with all the parts needed. Columns, walls, doors, ladders, railings and stairs – all included to get you a full table, really quickly!

And I look for products and tools that will do the job better, faster and easier.

Here’s some of my absolute favourites. I simply couldn’t get anything done without these.

AP Speedpaint Set

All the speedpaints you could need in one mega box.

The Xtool S1 20w

One of the best enclosed, safe, diode lasers on the market.


H&S Infinity CR+

A high end 2 in 1 airbrush with 0.2 and 0.4 needles included.

Raphael 8404 Size 1

Fantastic Sable brush for miniatures. Other sizes available.

*Many of these are Amazon Affiliate links or Element Games where I may earn a commission on any qualifying purchase. They are provided by Amazon Onelink so may provide a close match in your country. Please make sure the product is correct before purchasing. No data is collected nor ecommerce conducted on this site. All links are to third party vendors. Thestateofplay.co.uk is a participant in the xTool Affiliate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to the partner site.

Always on the lookout for sponsors. Where do you hide?


Get in touch. I'll see what I can do.

11 + 9 =

*This form is for sponsors. Be a dear and don’t use this if you’d just like a good old chat. If you’d like to contact me, you can grab me in the Youtube comments, Instagram or via Patreon. I always respond. Because no amount of money could get me to use Facebook or Twitter (X).

One more thing. Don’t forget to visit my channel.